Birthday Party

We attended a Birthday party last night at Rojos for one of our friends, Linda Reed, who now lives here with her husband Ronnie. About 40 local friends and family were invited by the Birthday girl to celebrate. The Venue was booked well in advance and the owners of Rojos applied for a special private function licence from the Authorities which was granted.

Next an artist was booked - a local acoustic guitar player/singer. A sign was on the door Private Function. So all are seated and guitarist is playing and all are enjoying themselves. Then low and behold at 08.35 in march the local Police. Owner produces her paperwork and Police inspect. Then they tell her that a complaint has been received. When asked by who they confirm it is the bar owner next door, at Los Amigos. The police now insist that the artist turns off his microphone and sings without one. In most cases this would have finished off the entertainment, but not in this case, as the singer was not using backing tapes. He was just playing his guitar and singing.
Later in the evening after an excellent steak by the way, the Husband of birthday girl goes along to talk to the owner in the fairly empty Los Amigos Bar, and asked him why he had reported this to the Police and he denied doing so saying it was a bungalow across the road.
So what goes on? Should this be allowed? This is, for a start, a waste of police time. A sure fine way of really annoying those of us who live here. I have heard of several similar cases to this recently but this time we were there to witness it. It also proves that to apply for a special licence is something of a mockery in itself. Its a bit like the wild west - anything goes so don’t bother about Rules as they are very easily overridden. Photos can be seen at.

La Marina

We are so lucky that in the situation the wonderful singer was able to carry on with his acoustic guitar.

But, what is going to happen to kareoke nights and bingo nights in the local bars as they have to use a microphone.

I want to take this opportunity to give a huge thankyou to Rojo for their excellent food and service and to thank all my wonderful family and friends for coming along to my birthday and for the generous donations made for S.A.T.

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2012-08-15 09:44:24 UTC

Happy birthday...

An well done to the singer for having the guts to sing with no music and mic. I was eating breakfast in final whistle other day and talking to someone in there. Even there kind of reserved about getting entertainment due to the fact all the bars are telling on eachother.
As for Los amigos, Ian you must of caught it open on a rare night as its pretty much always closed.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2012-08-15 09:54:34 UTC

Happy Birthday for Yesterday Linda.Good to see the police didnt spoil your night.
I thought all this stupidity had stopped obviously I was wrong.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-08-15 11:29:35 UTC

I would of loved to of witnessed Linda’s Hubby Ronie going up to Los Amigos Bar and bending the ear of Ian the owner, the owner must of darned well nearly S**t himself Ronie is a rather tall large gent with a fairly broad Irish accent.
They need to put a stop to this being allowed to happen. Perhaps a fine for wasting Police time is well within the realms of possibilities.

Commented Hope in La Marina 2012-08-15 11:32:34 UTC

This seems very unfair as the Oasis bar had music outside until 3am and let the last banger off at 1.30 this morning!!

Commented Susan S in La Marina 2012-08-15 17:22:45 UTC

A simple question to the local establishment. Those of us that reside here would like to be told. Why are you telling bars and restraints to apply for licences for special occasions? You are encouraging people to waist time and effort, as you and the police do not work together?

Commented Alice in Rentals in Spain 2012-08-16 06:47:27 UTC

Or even **restaurants** eh Alice he he

Commented Carol in La Marina 2012-08-16 07:36:21 UTC

Just an update, the owners had to go to the police station this morning for their hearing, with all their registration detail ect and it was defo Ian from Los Amigos that made the complaint, but fortunately Rojos was not charged.

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2012-08-16 17:55:58 UTC

Think you need to ask How the hell did they know that a Bungalow across the road made the complaint !
And just why would the Police go to the bar next door !
Just what the hell is going on there, think you need to see Jeff and make a complaint as you and the restaurant have done no wrong.

Commented FOX160 in La Marina 2012-08-16 18:07:11 UTC

Well, all I can say is what an absolute travesty of Justice. I do presume that the owner IAN of Los Amigos, at the very least, is about to be prosecuted. If not it will encourage other bar owners to carry on with this kind of rivalry. Thus, encouraging other bar owners to call the Police for every little grievance that they may have with a competitor. This must be stopped NOW before it all gets completely out of hand. It is an absolutely mockery - in actual fact this means that there is no point whatsoever in applying for a License for a special occasion. I feel so sorry for Rojos owners who did everything that was expected of them and this happens.

Commented Douglas in La Marina 2012-08-16 20:19:20 UTC

I was actually sat outside Los Amigos Tues evening and saw the police come and check various paperwork at Rojos. I never heard any music from Rojos and was not aware the police were acting on a complaint. I obviously cannot say for certain that Ian did not complain although I would be surprised as he also sometimes has private parties in his bar with live music, so making a complaint would not really be a good idea.

Commented Tim in La Marina 2012-08-17 13:16:35 UTC

I am amazed at the Gaul of the owner of Los Amigos. The police were at the bar in Rojos, heard to say that the person complaining was the owner of Los Amigos. Then the next day when owners of Rojos had to appear at Local Police station they apparently had the same confirmed to them. Yet on the evening Los Amigos owner totally denied to Rony that he had made a complaint. My opinion is bar owners waging war on other premises should be fined and have the drinks licence taken away for a period of time. This has to stop.

Commented Douglas in La Marina 2012-08-17 16:38:24 UTC

Yes Douglas.these acts of jealousy,by incompetent bar owners,must be stopped for everybodies sake,But dont expect the Police to do it,if it suits them not to.
The obvious answer is in our own hands,that whenever it is proved that one bar owner makes an unfounded complaint against another,then the public have the right to choose which bar to socalise in,would be nice if for a period of time people did not frequent the complaining bar
But we all know it wont happen,because we dont want to get involved in someone else´s arguement.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-08-17 18:39:16 UTC

any one who uses Los Amigo's bar knows that ian who runs the place, can for the want of a better way of putting it, "be a little quirky" but i really do fail to believe that he would go as far as to report rojo's to the authorities,...the bungalow on the opposite side of the road is notorious for reporting bars for having entertainment,...and what is to say that this trouble maker in the bungalow did not make the call, under the pretence of being ian from Los Amigo's,...nobody in their right mind would complain about opposition (for the want of a better word) bars knowing full well that they would be found out in the end,.....not even ian from Los Amigo's

Commented dragardian in Alicante 2012-08-18 07:41:45 UTC

Quite the opposite. Last night some friends myself and my husband spent a really good night at El Paso. There was an Ttribute to Elvis chap singing and he sang out believe me and was great entertainment. All this took place outside on the pavement with no problems at all. We ate really good food, had great entertainment. Why is it good for one but not for all.

Commented sallyan in La Marina 2012-08-18 08:46:36 UTC

It all tit of tat on the urb. Boring.........

Commented itsmemw in La Marina 2012-08-18 08:47:14 UTC

When I have called the local police they have rung up and then called me back so they definetly know who made the call.Rumour as it that Ian is going back to England could this be a little bit of mischief before he goes as I said rumour

Commented david in La Marina 2012-08-18 08:49:00 UTC

I heard hes got the police on speed dial.

Commented gudy2shoes in La Marina 2012-08-18 08:51:43 UTC